One of our community members sugested us on Twitter to support Food For The Poor charity organization (link) and we thought that is a great idea.
We contacted FFTP and told them about us and how could they integrate GRS donations on their website.
To make things easier, we created a simulation for their website with explanations about QR codes.
This is a very easy and quick way for people to donate and charity organisations to raise money.
We hope that more charity organisations will follow this example and use GRS payment system to help each other.
We also hope that you will support those in need by donating for FoodFoorThePoor.
How to integrate Groestlcoin Payment System into your website:
- Download one of our wallets (link). For a charity organization we recommand Groestlcoin Core wallet (link). After you intall it you'll get your Groestlcoin Wallet Address (Go to File - Receiving addresses... and you see your address). You can create as many addresses you want (in that window click on New +).
- Use a QR code generator for plain text. We recommand
There are 5 ways you can receive donations:
- Write your Groestlcoin Wallet Address on the website (ex: Ff2datqKzEgVyetFAcAfaw8zXFSbmY64R7 ).
- Generate a QR code for your address that can be scanned with a mobile phone wallet and people will set for themselfs the amount of GRS they want to send (ex: Go to and paste your address in the "Enter text to share here" box. Save the QR code on your PC and upload it to your website).
- Create a button that can be clicked and people will set for themselfs the amount of GRS they want to send (ex: create a button that links to groestlcoin:yourAddress, like this groestlcoin:Ff2datqKzEgVyetFAcAfaw8zXFSbmY64R7 ).
- Create a button for a specific amount of GRS that can be clicked (ex: create a button that links to groestlcoin:yourAddress?amount=GRSamount, like this one for 500 GRS groestlcoin:Ff2datqKzEgVyetFAcAfaw8zXFSbmY64R7?amount=500 ).
- Generate a QR code for a specific amount of GRS that can be scanned with a mobile phone wallet (ex: Go to and paste groestlcoin:yourAddress?amount=GRSamount in the "Enter text to share here" box, like this for 500 GRS groestlcoin:Ff2datqKzEgVyetFAcAfaw8zXFSbmY64R7?amount=500 . Save the QR code on your PC and upload it to your website.)
After you added the QR code to your website people can scan it and make a donation in a few seconds:
This can also be done for stores and shops. See this post.