Groestlcoin Easyminer has been updated to v2.0. Groestlcoin Easyminer is a software package designed to remove all the painstaking, torturous technological spellcastings an average person feels they have to perform in order to mine Groestlcoin.
The Easy Miner package includes the latest auto-tuning mining software for Groestlcoin and Electrum-GRS wallet for fast and easy access to mined coins.
If you want an easy miner with no massive hunting for proper configuration files based on their GPU model then Groestlcoin Easyminer is the right choice for you.
• Built-in autotuning mechanism - auto-tunes itself on the fly according to the user’s CPU or GPU capacities
• No searching for pools and figuring out how to join
• No need to edit bat files
• No hours of loading of their Groestlcoin wallet before they can use it or start seeing payments come in
• Excellent support - It works with all cpu's and gpu's
• Real easy - One file to click at
• The program prompts the user to update their latest video card drivers (if necessary)
• No knowledge needed of how mining works
• Free and decentralised - Open Source
Changelog EasyMiner 2.0:
• New GUI
• Mining is logged into the GUI
• Removed CPU thread-setting support (see next change)
• Now mines on GPU if support is available otherwise CPU (instead doing both)
• Comes now with an installer
• Ccminer support for Nvidia cards (instead with Sgminer)
• Branded with Groestlcoin logo
• Fixed GPU and 64 bit CPU mining support over initial version of Easyminer-GUI
• Fixed GPU logging over initial version of Easyminer-GUI
• Now installs a shortcut so rather than relying on a "run me" file
• Tweaked timings on installation instructions to be a bit smoother
• Changed some wordings in the miner to better work the features it has
There is no warranty and no party shall be made liable to you for damages. If you lose coins due to this app or damage your CPU/GPU, no compensation will be given. Use this app solely at your own risk.
Store your secret phrase somewhere safe!
Electrum-GRS creates an encrypted filename default_wallet instead of wallet.dat (like in Groestlcoin Core)
• Location of your wallet: Navigate to C:\Users\USER NAME\AppData\Roaming\Electrum-grs\wallets (or open windows explorer and enter %appdata%\Electrum-grs\wallets) and back up your default_wallet file by making a copy of it and moving it to a secure location.
Source code:
Groestlcoin SGminer5-grs is now available. Its main advantages over the original SGminer5 binary include support for GBT solo mining along with signing your mined blocks.
If you want to solo mine with Groestlcoin then SGminer5-grs is the right choice for you.
• GBT solo mining support by using the --grs-address flag
• Support to add a signature to sign your mined blocks by using the --grs-sig flag
• Free software - Gnu GPL v3. Anyone can audit the code.
• Written in C - The code is short, and easy to review.
• User Friendly - no need to use the --difficulty-multiplier flag anymore
• Multiple Groestlcoin kernels included for testing
Example how to use:
sgminer.exe -k groestlcoin -o -u u -p p --grs-address FZ4AfMJjHNzjtMHvFR244TZf2934Y6J5Fr --grs-sig YourSignatureHere -g 1 -w 256 --no-submit-stale -I 20 --gpu-engine 1100 --gpu-memclock 1500 --gpu-fan 100
This application is licensed under the GPL version 3. There is no warranty and no party shall be made liable to you for damages. If you lose coins due to this app or damage your CPU/GPU, no compensation will be given. Use this app solely at your own risk.
Source code:
Important notice!
Although our applications are safely used by thousands of people, you may get a false positive detection from your antivirus. False positive detections are common in the antivirus industry. They occur when a benign program is wrongfully flagged as malicious due to an overly broad detection signature or algorithm used in an antivirus product.
How to mine Groestlcoin
Groestlcoin uses the Grøstl algorithm which is a more efficient algorithm than most.
The current block reward is 5 coins (and will not go any lower) and a block occurs every 60 seconds.
Getting Started
This tutorial assumes you have a wallet already. To get started, let's determine which miner you will choose.
Do you only have a CPU or want to mine with the CPU as well?
Download the Groestlcoin CPU Miner here.
Do you have an NVIDIA card?
Download the CCminer here.
Do you have an AMD card?
Download the SPH-SGMiner here.
Setting the miners up
You've got the miners, and you should've extracted the contents from the zip files. Now it's time to set those up.
First, we need a pool to connect to!
My personal choice in a Groestlcoin pool is the Suprnova pool. It has consistent, frequent payouts, and works very well. You need to register an account there, and add your payment address into your account settings. Then you need to set up a worker here. This is what you will use to log into your miners through the mining programs later.
CPU Miner Setup
1. To set up the CPU Miner for Suprnova, copy + paste this into the .bat file that runs the miner:
- minerd -a groestl -o stratum+tcp://grs.suprnova.cc:5544 -u username.workername -p workerpassword
2. Replace username.workername and workerpassword with your data.
3. This will connect your CPU miner to the Suprnova pool and mine under that worker.
CCMiner Setup
To mine GRS with CCMiner, there is a "run grs.bat" file in the download link I pasted above.
1. Edit that .bat file and copy + paste this into it:
- ccminer-x64 -a groestl -o stratum+tcp://grs.suprnova.cc:5544 -u username.workername -p workerpassword
- pause
2. Be sure to change the username.workername and workerpassword with your inputs.
SPH SGMiner Setup
1. The one you downloaded from the website doesn't have a .bat file in it automatically. You will need to make one. Simply open notepad and paste this:
- sgminer -I 19 -g 4 -w 64 -k groestlcoin --no-submit-stale -o "stratum+tcp://grs.suprnova.cc:5544" -u username.workername -p workerpassword
2. Don't forget to replace username.workername (if using Suprnova) and workerpassword.
After that, just start up the miners and you should be mining!