Groestlcoin 22nd March Release – 8 Year Anniversary

Groestlcoin Release March 2022

8 Years. Groestlcoin has been in constant active development, providing development updates and enhancements every 3 months for 8 years. There aren’t too many cryptocurrencies that can say the same. Groestlcoin has been there through much of the Cryptocurrency rollercoaster journey and shows no signs of letting up.


What’s Being Released Today?



Electrum-GRS 4.2.0

What am I?

If you are an ordinary user of Groestlcoin and simply want the convenience of a web wallet with the security of a real application and support for multi-signature, then Elecrum-GRS is the right choice for you.

Changelog Electrum-GRS 4.2.0

• macOS builds are now codesigned and notarized
• The minimum python version was increased to 3.8
• Lightning:
- redesigned MPP splitting algorithm
- trampoline: implement multi-trampoline MPP
- implement option_shutdown_anysegwit, and allow dust limits below 546 gro
- implement option_channel_type
- implement modern closing negotiation
• improve support for "lightning:" URIs on all platforms
• Qt GUI:
- add setting "show amounts with msat precision"
- add setting "add thousand separators to groestlcoin amounts"
- implement Unix sockets and make them the default
- add "bumpfee" command
• Hardware wallets:
- trezor: bump trezorlib to 0.13
- ledger: support "Ledger Nano S Plus"
• Library:
- added support for sighash types beside "ALL"
- signmessage: also accept Trezor-type sigs for segwit addrs
- network: make request timeout configurable
- paytomany (onchain txout batching) now allows multiple max("!") amounts with specified weights
• Binary builds
- AppImage: changed base image from ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04
• Integration of Cirrus CI and Github Actions
• Lots of other minor bugfixes and usability improvements.


  • Encrypted wallet - the file that contains your groestlcoins is protected with a password. You are protected from thieves.
  • Deterministic key generation - If you lose your wallet, you can recover it from its seed. You are protected from your own mistakes.
  • Instant on - the client does not download the blockchain, it requests that information from a server. No delays, always up-to-date.
  • Freedom and Privacy - The server does not store user accounts. You are not tied to a particular server, and the server does not need to know you.
  • No scripts - Electrum-GRS does not download any script. A compromised server cannot send you arbitrary code and steal your groestlcoins.
  • No single point of failure - The server code is open source, anyone can run a server.
  • Transactions are signed locally - Your private keys are not shared with the server. You do not have to trust the server with your money.
  • Firewall friendly - The client does not need to open a port, it simply polls the server for updates.
  • Free software - Gnu GPL v3. Anyone can audit the code.
  • Written in Python - The code is short, and easy to review.
  • User Friendly - Support for Groestlcoin URIs, signed URIs and Groestlcoin aliases
  • No Lock-In - You can export your private keys and use them in other groestlcoin clients.
  • No Downtimes - Electrum-GRS servers are decentralized and redundant. Your wallet is never down.
  • Proof Checking - Electrum-GRS Wallet verifies all the transactions in your history using SPV.
  • Cold Storage - Keep your private keys offline, and go online with a watching-only wallet. Sign transactions from a computer that is always offline. Broadcast them from a machine that does not have your keys.
  • Multisign - Split the permission to spend your coins between several wallets using parallel BIP32 derivations and P2SH addresses ("2 of 2", "2 of 3"). Compact serialization format for unsigned or partially signed transactions, that includes the BIP32 master public key and derivation needed to sign inputs. Serialized transactions can be sent to cosigners or to cold storage using QR codes.

OSXWindowsWindows StandaloneWindows PortableLinux

Server SourceServer Installer SourceClient Source

Android Electrum-GRS 4.2.0

What am I?

If you are an ordinary user of Groestlcoin and simply want the convenience of a web wallet with the security of a real application and support for multi-signature, then Elecrum-GRS is the right choice for you.

Changelog Electrum-GRS 4.2.0

• Kivy GUI:
- show network setup on first start before wallet creation
- add "Child Pays For Parent" option
- improved locale handling


  • Encrypted wallet - the file that contains your groestlcoins is protected with a password. You are protected from thieves.
  • Deterministic key generation - If you lose your wallet, you can recover it from its seed. You are protected from your own mistakes.
  • Instant on - the client does not download the blockchain, it requests that information from a server. No delays, always up-to-date.
  • Freedom and Privacy - The server does not store user accounts. You are not tied to a particular server, and the server does not need to know you.
  • No scripts - Electrum-GRS does not download any script. A compromised server cannot send you arbitrary code and steal your groestlcoins.
  • No single point of failure - The server code is open source, anyone can run a server.
  • Transactions are signed locally - Your private keys are not shared with the server. You do not have to trust the server with your money.
  • Firewall friendly - The client does not need to open a port, it simply polls the server for updates.
  • Free software - Gnu GPL v3. Anyone can audit the code.
  • Written in Python - The code is short, and easy to review.
  • User Friendly - Support for Groestlcoin URIs, signed URIs and Groestlcoin aliases
  • No Lock-In - You can export your private keys and use them in other groestlcoin clients.
  • No Downtimes - Electrum-GRS servers are decentralized and redundant. Your wallet is never down.
  • Proof Checking - Electrum-GRS Wallet verifies all the transactions in your history using SPV.
  • Cold Storage - Keep your private keys offline, and go online with a watching-only wallet. Sign transactions from a computer that is always offline. Broadcast them from a machine that does not have your keys.
  • Multisign - Split the permission to spend your coins between several wallets using parallel BIP32 derivations and P2SH addresses ("2 of 2", "2 of 3"). Compact serialization format for unsigned or partially signed transactions, that includes the BIP32 master public key and derivation needed to sign inputs. Serialized transactions can be sent to cosigners or to cold storage using QR codes.

Google Play

Server SourceServer Installer SourceClient Source

Groestlcoin Esplora

What am I?

Groestlcoin Esplora JSON over RESTful API provides you with a convenient, powerful and simple way to read data from the groestlcoin testnet network and build your own services with it.


• Taproot support
• New UI Design


  • Explore blocks, transactions and addresses
  • Support for Segwit and Bech32 addresses
  • Shows previous output and spending transaction details
  • Quick-search for txid, address, block hash or height by navigating to /<query>
  • Advanced view with script hex/assembly, witness data, outpoints and more
  • Mobile-ready responsive design
  • Translated to 17 languages
  • Light and dark themes
  • Noscript support
  • Transaction broadcast support
  • QR scanner
  • API support

Source – Live Version

Groestlcoin Esplora Testnet

What am I?

Groestlcoin Esplora Testnet JSON over RESTful API provides you with a convenient, powerful and simple way to read data from the groestlcoin testnet network and build your own services with it.


• Taproot support
• New UI Design


  • Explore blocks, transactions and addresses
  • Support for Segwit and Bech32 addresses
  • Shows previous output and spending transaction details
  • Quick-search for txid, address, block hash or height by navigating to /<query>
  • Advanced view with script hex/assembly, witness data, outpoints and more
  • Mobile-ready responsive design
  • Translated to 17 languages
  • Light and dark themes
  • Noscript support
  • Transaction broadcast support
  • QR scanner
  • API support

Source – Live Version

Groestlcoin Esplora Signet

What am I?

Groestlcoin Esplora Signet JSON over RESTful API provides you with a convenient, powerful and simple way to read data from the groestlcoin signet network and build your own services with it.


  • Explore blocks, transactions and addresses
  • Support for Segwit and Bech32 addresses
  • Shows previous output and spending transaction details
  • Quick-search for txid, address, block hash or height by navigating to /<query>
  • Advanced view with script hex/assembly, witness data, outpoints and more
  • Mobile-ready responsive design
  • Translated to 17 languages
  • Light and dark themes
  • Noscript support
  • Transaction broadcast support
  • QR scanner
  • API support

Source – Live Version

GRSPay v1.4.7.0

What am I?

GRSPay is a free, open-source, non-custodial cryptocurrency payment processor which allows you to receive payments in Groestlcoin with no fees, transaction cost or middlemen. GRSPay eliminates the involvement of a third-party. Payments with GRSPay go directly to your wallet, which increases the privacy and security. Your private keys are never visible to the GRSPay Server or anyone else. There is no address re-use since each invoice generates a new address deriving from your public key.

Changelog v1.4.7.0

  • UX/UI: Easier onboarding
  • UX/UI: New navigation
  • Greenfield: Add a missingPermission field to 403 errors
  • Support for new TLS version of SMTP server
  • Greenfield: Added field "StoreId" to a Payment Request
  • Greenfield: Can create a payment request without specifying currency (would then use store's default currency)
  • Add login code, for easy login to GRSPay Server via a mobile device
  • Add LNUrl Auth support as second factor auth
  • Batch unarchive invoices
  • Ability to bump fees of transactions and invoices via CPFP
  • Add ability to add description to pull payment
  • Greenfield: Can add store guest/owner to a store
  • Plugins: Expose file service
  • Plugins: Allow writing Greenfield API endpoints


  • Direct, P2P Groestlcoin payments
  • Lightning Network support
  • Complete control over private keys
  • Enchanced privacy
  • SegWit support
  • Process payments for others
  • Payment buttons
  • Point of sale
  • No transaction fees (other than those for the crypto networks)
  • No processing fees
  • No middleman
  • No KYC
  • The software is built in C#
  • You can run GRSPay as a self-hosted solution on your own server or use a our host. The self-hosted solution allows you not only to attach an unlimited number of stores but also become the payment processor for others.
  • Open Source - MIT license

SourceLive Site

GRSPay Testnet v1.4.7.0

What am I?

GRSPay Testnet is a free, open-source, non-custodial cryptocurrency payment processor which allows you to receive payments in Groestlcoin testnet with no fees, transaction cost or middlemen. GRSPay Testnet eliminates the involvement of a third-party. Payments with GRSPay Testnet go directly to your wallet, which increases the privacy and security. Your private keys are never visible to the GRSPay Testnet Server or anyone else. There is no address re-use since each invoice generates a new address deriving from your public key.

Changelog v1.4.7.0

  • UX/UI: Easier onboarding
  • UX/UI: New navigation
  • Greenfield: Add a missingPermission field to 403 errors
  • Support for new TLS version of SMTP server
  • Greenfield: Added field "StoreId" to a Payment Request
  • Greenfield: Can create a payment request without specifying currency (would then use store's default currency)
  • Add login code, for easy login to GRSPay Server via a mobile device
  • Add LNUrl Auth support as second factor auth
  • Batch unarchive invoices
  • Ability to bump fees of transactions and invoices via CPFP
  • Add ability to add description to pull payment
  • Greenfield: Can add store guest/owner to a store
  • Plugins: Expose file service
  • Plugins: Allow writing Greenfield API endpoints


  • Direct, P2P Groestlcoin Testnet payments
  • Lightning Network Testnet support
  • Complete control over private keys
  • Enchanced privacy
  • SegWit Testnet support
  • Process payments for others
  • Payment buttons
  • Point of sale
  • No transaction fees (other than those for the crypto networks)
  • No processing fees
  • No middleman
  • No KYC
  • The software is built in C#
  • You can run GRSPay Testnet as a self-hosted solution on your own server or use a our host. The self-hosted solution allows you not only to attach an unlimited number of stores but also become the payment processor for others.
  • Open Source - MIT license

SourceLive Site

Groestlcoin History book

What am I?

The Groestlcoin developers were approached with an opportunity to have a history book developed, showcasing the highlights and history of the cryptocurrency.


  • 8 years of GRS history
