A BIP-0032 compatible Hierarchical Deterministic Groestlcoin Wallet
The app allows you to send and receive Groestlcoins on your device using QR codes and URI links.
When using this app, please back up your wallet and email them to yourself! This will save your wallet in a password protected file. Then your coins can be retrieved even if you loose your phone.
Changelog Groestlcoin Wallet v5.24.1:
• After a couple of weeks of not being used, the app will notify if there are still coins in the wallet.
• Improve mechanism for setting a trusted peer and warn if its hostname cannot be resolved.
• Add warning to RBF (replace-by-fee) transactions
• On Android 6.0 (Marshmellow) and above, you can now grant or revoke app permissions at will. The current permissions are: Camera (for scanning QR codes) and Read/Write External Storage (for wallet backups).
• Strengthen security of spending PIN.
• Speed up wallet decryption when using a spending PIN
• Supports HTTP/2 and ALPN on all HTTP calls (e.g. payment protocol).
• Slightly more robust scanning of QR codes.
• Fix detection of network state. This needs the ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE permission
• The app now requires Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) or higher. This makes UI development easier in future.
• For Android 6.0 (Marshmellow) and above, bring back the ability to receive payments via Bluetooth. This means your customers can pay without being connected to the internet!
• Nicely animated appearance of main screen on phones.
• Query a set of Electrum-GRS servers to swipe paper wallets
Changelog Groestlcoin Wallet 4.46.2:
• Automatically close send coins dialog if payment was successful. This can be disabled in the settings.
• Adjusts to the new network fee rules imposed by Groestlcoin Core.
• Now requires Android 4.0.3 (ICS) for all subprojects.
• Hint to enable storage encryption.
• Allow raising the fee of an unconfirmed transaction. Uses child-pays-for-parent (CPFP).
• Pay the default fee for sweeping paper wallets.
• Setting for own name, to be added as a label/memo to payment requests.
• List animations for network monitor.
• Migrate build from Maven to Gradle. This should make things easier for Android Studio users.
• In-app payments integration (integration-android) now available on Maven Central and jCenter.
• Nice slide-in animation for sent payment.
• Tint incoming transactions in green, outgoing in red.
• Tint action bar labels.
• Material design for list of transactions.
• Update android-maven-plugin to 4.2.0, so we can use AARs.
• Use action bar submenu for filtering wallet transactions, rather than a ViewPager.
• Speed up transactions list.
• Update QR-code scanner to ZXing 3.2.0.
• Show derived addresses in address book under "your addresses".
• Show "to addresses" of received payments, rather than "from addresses".
• Speed up blockchain sync.
• Improve entry of password in backup wallet dialog.
• Share current wallet address by tapping on it.
• Update dialogs to material theme on Lollipop devices.
• Show and share extended public key. This can be used to grant read-only access to your wallet. The new option is available in the diagnostics settings.
• Record fiat amount for sent payments.
You can donate in the app directly to Hashengineering for his hard work. On the menu go to "donate".
Groestlcoin Wallet is available in the Google play store:
Source code:
https://github.com/Groestlcoin/groestlcoinj - Groestlcoin Java Library (for the Android App and possibly other software)
https://github.com/Groestlcoin/groestlcoin-wallet - The Groestlcoin Android Wallet Source code